The evolution of fashion has catered a lot to the fashion industry as well as in booming the confidence of women today. The fashion industry has seen all shades of what one can transform into. India, a country with such diverse cultures is the epitome of fashion. Clothing in India changes depending on the differentContinue reading “EVOLUTION IN FASHION”

WARDROBE: Everybody’s best friend!

Is your wardrobe your best friend? Does it annoy you at times and act messy or it’s organized and always helps you look your best? Well, the appearance of our wardrobes never matters much because they hold in lots of stuff and secret of ours. Just like a best friend keeps our secrets, similarly ourContinue reading “WARDROBE: Everybody’s best friend!”

Style on a Budget!

There have been days in our life when we want to look our best but still don’t want to spend much money because maybe it’s month-end and we are sort of broke or sometimes we just do not wish to spend much money. So what do we do in such situations? We think of borrowingContinue reading “Style on a Budget!”

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