“Style is a way to speak who you are without speaking.” I think that playing dress-up begins at 4 and never truly ends. Dressing up is an important element in our lives and comes naturally to us. Numerous jokes about how a woman dressing up takes eternity, falls on deaf ears and is forgotten everyContinue reading “CELEB STYLE DIARIES 2020”

How to Style a Plazzo in different ways?

Palazzo is the most comforting yet fashionable piece of clothing. It can be worn in the end number of ways and there’s no hard and fast rule to pair it up with a particular thing. Plazzo is just like pizza, you can choose your toppings and enjoy it! But what if you’re running late andContinue reading “How to Style a Plazzo in different ways?”

How to style a basic skirt in 4 ways?

When it comes to styling a particular piece of our clothing, we tend to style or wear it only twice or maybe thrice and then we get bored with it. But how about if we can style a single piece of clothing in 4 different ways. Let’s try styling our basic yet stylish BLACK SKIRTContinue reading “How to style a basic skirt in 4 ways?”

How to dress when you’ve no dress code for a wedding?

Weddings are not less than a festival because they’re full of excitement, different delicacies and the most important thing which cannot be ignored is THE DRESS. One has to look her best even if it’s not her wedding but isn’t it difficult to decide what to wear especially when you don’t have a dress code?Continue reading “How to dress when you’ve no dress code for a wedding?”

Safe yet Stylish

Wedding outfits gives us goosebumps whenever we see attires designed by famous fashion designers. It sets out our major outfit goals. Whenever we’ve got news of our cousin’s or a friend’s wedding, we have never been able to control our excitement, but what about when this pandemic will be over? It will be difficult toContinue reading “Safe yet Stylish”

Customization: A Boon!

Does it ever happen to you when you’re all ready and excited for an event or a party and go shopping but can’t find anything? Sometimes you don’t like the color or sometimes what you like doesn’t fit you and you come back home with all your excitement on level zero, but have you everContinue reading “Customization: A Boon!”


The evolution of fashion has catered a lot to the fashion industry as well as in booming the confidence of women today. The fashion industry has seen all shades of what one can transform into. India, a country with such diverse cultures is the epitome of fashion. Clothing in India changes depending on the differentContinue reading “EVOLUTION IN FASHION”

Lockdown on Your Wardrobe!

During this time of pandemic and work from home, not only you’re under lockdown but so is your wardrobe. I’m sure you all must have plans for this summer but the virus got all of it cancelled. No shopping means no new clothes, and no new clothes mean no good mood. When your mood isn’tContinue reading “Lockdown on Your Wardrobe!”

WARDROBE: Everybody’s best friend!

Is your wardrobe your best friend? Does it annoy you at times and act messy or it’s organized and always helps you look your best? Well, the appearance of our wardrobes never matters much because they hold in lots of stuff and secret of ours. Just like a best friend keeps our secrets, similarly ourContinue reading “WARDROBE: Everybody’s best friend!”

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