WARDROBE: Everybody’s best friend!

Is your wardrobe your best friend? Does it annoy you at times and act messy or it’s organized and always helps you look your best? Well, the appearance of our wardrobes never matters much because they hold in lots of stuff and secret of ours. Just like a best friend keeps our secrets, similarly our wardrobe holds all our clothes without spilling it out.  We humans attach an emotional string with our cupboard which makes us go through different emotions every time we open it. Some apparels make us excited, some make us feel nostalgic and what not!

The way there’s no definition for a perfect best friend, the same way there’s no definition for a perfect wardrobe. Every clothing piece which makes us feel comfortable, happy, and confident, just like our best friend does, is a perfect wardrobe. From basic black and white tees to heavy and fancy dresses, our cupboard fills and goes through a lot. When we’re happy, we prefer wearing our favorite combination of clothes with contrasting footwear and other accessories, and on the other hand when we act not more than a lazy couch potato, we find our haven in basic tees and comfy pajamas/shorts.

For all our different moods and their swings, our wardrobe is always filled with it’s magic to pour on us. On days when we do not want much efforts to put in, a simple basic top with tight jeans and sneakers is all we need to complete our look, and on days when we have a meeting to lead and to give those complete boss lady feels to our team, a classic black or solid color coat with a white shirt, contrasting pants and heels is all we need and we’re good to go!

Nothing restricts fashion and especially when it comes to ethnic wear, where we can mismatch different ethnic clothing pieces and land with the end number of outfits with minimum pieces available to us. MISMATCH is the trick to carry traditional dresses. Blouse of one dress can be paired with the bottom of another dress and congratulations! Here you go, with another new outfit to slay at your friend’s wedding without repeating your previously worn dresses. The wardrobe is the one-stop destination for all the variation we need in our lives!

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